Where to Buy?
Grow Tasty Herbs licenses trusted growing partners to grow our plants and make them available around the country. If a plant isn’t available at your local wholesale or retail nursery, you can request it to be ordered for you.
Vigorous, semi-compact and ornamental, Oregano is an ideal groundcover or border and also great in pots, baskets and patio planter boxes. Best planted 30cm apart in spring, summer and early autumn. With a vibrant, mid-green colour, it goes to flower much later than seed grown types, meaning a longer harvest. It will grow in a wide range of conditions, preferring well drained soil and full sun to light shade. This is a hardy perennial with good drought and heat tolerance and it's also frost tolerant. It will discolour in winter, if affected by heavy frost it will reshoot in spring.
Water as required, allowing soil to dry out between watering (avoid wet feet). In spring and autumn use a slow release fertiliser (if required) and/or incorporate compost into the soil. If heavily harvested, apply a light application of quick release (usually only for pots). Harvest as required, will produce a bushy compact plant if done frequently. If required, prune by up to 1/3 in spring and early autumn for a tidy plant.
GROWER KNOWLEDGE: This website gives general information for the states/regions in Australia. For local information on which plants work in your area contact your local grower. Local grower knowledge is vital, this website is no substitute.
HEIGHTS: Heights shown on the website are for general gardening conditions. In well maintained gardens, some plants will get taller.
Grow Tasty Herbs licenses trusted growing partners to grow our plants and make them available around the country. If a plant isn’t available at your local wholesale or retail nursery, you can request it to be ordered for you.